
Lucy visits Telford Mind for mental health awareness

"Mental health stigma increases the sense of isolation and can prevent people from seeking help:' says Lucy Allan.Lucy attended a Postive Mental Health awareness day at Telford Mind. After a being briefed on the range of services and drop in facilities Telford Mind provides, there was a discussion led by two eminent psychiatrists. 

Ask the Minister: Theresa Villiers

Theresa Villiers, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, recently took some time out to answer some of your questions for Lucy's latest Ask the Minister video. 

Telford unemployment falls

Almost 1000 more Telford people are no longer on Jobseekers Allowance compared to March last year, according to figures from the Office of National Statistics.

"We need to act now" on broadband says Lucy

Telford needs to be better connected to the Internet, especially in areas with poor broadband like Lightmoor and Lawley. Local campaigner Lucy Allan is fighting to improve these connections.