Contact Lucy

Lucy is always happy to listen to any concerns or ideas from anybody in Telford to get in touch with Lucy please use one of the following methods:


Write: Lucy Allan MP, Suite 1 Preston House, Hawksworth Road, Central Park, Telford TF2 9TU

Call: 01952 290039



When writing in please make sure that you include your full name and address so that Lucy can confirm that you are a constituent. There is a longstanding protocol that MPs only represent those that live in their constituency. Lucy also holds regular surgeries. If you want an appointment please call. You will be asked what you would like Lucy to do to assist you.


Lucy also attend residents meetings and forums. If you would like to invite Lucy to attend your residents’ meeting, please send details.


You can also follow what Lucy is doing using Twitter or Facebook.  

Facebook: Lucy Allan For Telford

Twitter: Lucy Allan


NB these accounts are not formally monitored and casework cannot be done via social media.